Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lo Romantico

?Lo Romantico?
Here is a juicy one for you.  Romance, that’s what I’m going to talk about in this post as a little prep of some things I’m going to write about here in the near future (as soon as I do some research).  However unlike my intention of my future posts, this one is entirely a woman’s bias.   Sorry men, I don’t much and haven’t quite frankly asked much about what you guys think on romance.  Actually I correct myself, this is more my personal bias. 
Romance examples:
1.      Elizabeth coincidently meets the rich man of her dreams at a social gathering of some sort and in the end they get married and everything is just a love boat of happiness.  Of course between meeting and then getting hitched, she goes from hating him and every dramatic thing happens from family problems to finding that he may be promised to another. But it all works out in the end.
2.      Sarah has known her soul mate since childhood but has hidden her feelings for him like a coward and decides not to act on her feelings until he is with another woman.  Through series of comical and embarrassing events, she finally ends up with her soul mate that leaves the other woman empty handed hoping she’ll fall for someone else immediately because of his impulsiveness. Anyways, everyone ends up happy.
3.        Juliet meets her Romeo with your classic love at first site.  Although they know nothing about each other besides the increasing curiosity and obvious attraction, they force each other to meet in secret and elope.  Their families hate each other and soon tragedy strikes.  Therefore the young naïve lovers miraculously die in each other’s arms to escape the consequences of their impetuous actions. 
So, which story if any of them are the most realistic?  Well, there are a lot of women who ask this same kind of question, including myself.  I’ve come to the conclusion that these made up stories had to have come from somewhere, so why can’t they be real?  Obviously maybe not Hollywood style, and not in the same ideal sequence; I personally would prefer not to be engaged and then find my long lost lover and create the complication of falling for him and leaving my fiancé for someone I re-met.  So this brings up another question.  Why do some women actually believe that these romantic stories they see in movies or read in books can and should happen in perfect sequence?  I could understand a fifteen year old girl having a dream that someone with super human like strength with a super FINE body, who perhaps turns into a werewolf or vampire(aka Taylor Lautner or Robert Patinson), may fall in love with them and expect a happily ever after.  In fact for a fifteen year old girl with a crush, that is about normal…. However if you’re at least graduated from high school, I’m sorry sweetie, but that’s not going to be the case (Quit dreaming, Just kidding).
I try to consider myself more of a practical person; therefore a lot of romantic ideas are not a priority to me.  Don’t get me wrong I may day dream of being kissed under mistletoe by an infatuation, random slow dancing in the rain, or a classic dip kiss at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s.  Are these possible? Yes. Unreasonable? No. Going to happen immediately with my dream guy?  Not likely.  But that’s okay.  What I find very disheartening is that there are women out there that expect the kiss (movie make out) in the country rain, a dark romance that will be immortal, love at first sight, or my favorite: The Perfect Man or Mr. Dream-Boat.  As a friend told me once, the perfect man died and was resurrected for our sins a long time ago because we are not and cannot be perfect on our own.  He wants us to find our eternal companion, but some of us need to realize that it’s not going to be all roses and butterflies.  Life happens, and even when you find your eternal companion, marriage is hard (I don’t know personally, it just appears that way and is what I’m told).  Happily ever after is earned in eternity.  The way I like to look at getting to my happy ever after is just finding who is right for you, because if there was a perfect guy out there he’d probably be translated to heaven, so you know, deal with what you got.  Then, working hard as a team to achieve the “happy” and eventually “ever after”. 
Women: As much as chic-flics make for a good girl’s night, comfort movie, or mood setter.  Don’t expect a Hollywood story.  No reason to be discouraged because of it, just understand that Prince Charming won’t be perfect, have a six pack, save world hunger, put you in a mansion with diamonds and jewels, or write you love songs every night; as nice as it may sound.
Men:  You don’t have to be smooth all the time, but taking advice on what girls find “cute”, is not a bad idea….. Ex: six pack (totally joking!), long hugs, compliments, romantic stuff… etc.

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