Friday, February 7, 2014

Date Diaries Episode 1: You're Feet Need to Relax!

So this is "episode 1" of date diaries. Now to give a little preface and introduction, not all of these stories I will post are mine (I will probably not claim any of mine).  They are all true (as far as I know), however I may have changed some names for the sake of confidentiality, karma swinging around, or to save the embarrassment of others.  I am now "accepting" good or bad stories so feel free to message me on face book if you have one to share.  Now, if you're feeling up to an interesting story about a date experience feel free to enjoy, learn, or beware.

"You're Feet Need to Relax!"

Freshman year of college you could definitely say I was still trying to figure out how to get asked out on dates.  For a Mormon girl, I was convinced that the religion Institute on campus was the place to go, and to be fair, I was right.  I definitely did get dates, and here is the story of one of them.
Every Monday and Wednesday morning in class there were only two piano players that would volunteer to play an "opening hymn" to start of the class, which included one seemingly very reserved return missionary and myself.  On the very last day of class the seemingly reserved young man randomly started a conversation with me and at the last minute asked me out on a date and got my phone number.  I didn't see why not so I consented and the next weekend he picked me up.  This young man, Kyle (real name changed), surprisingly agreed to pick me up a hour away from where we were to meet the rest of our date group, and so I was preparing for an uncomfortable date and a long drive with a quite guy I hardly knew.  This turned out to be the exact opposite.  Kyle was very amusing and chatted up the entire drive. Once we got with the rest of the group he was actually even a really humorous guy.  I quite honestly enjoyed my time, and laughed, A LOT.   So, at this point why not go on a second date?  Well, I didn't have to wait long to find out.
At some point during the first date we talked about my interest in learning how to play the organ, and agreed that he could give me some free lessons.  For our second date, we decided to go out to dinner and then have a lesson on playing the organ.
I met up with Kyle down in Salt Lake City and we drove to a local Subway (pretty acceptable for a casual second date) and he decided that we would share a 6-inch sub. He also picked out everything that was going to be on it all the while saying "Sorry, I'm just not super hungry right now I hope you don't mind this."  Well I sort of did mind, but didn't really know if I should argue it.  He was paying for my half of a 6-inch sandwich, and I never picked up on any cue that I should have paid my own way.  However, I don't like banana peppers or extra lettuce on any sandwich, so you can imagine I felt pretty awkward picking it off of a 3 inch mini sub that only had pepperoni, some balsamic vinegar dressing, and ham on it.  Did I also mention this was right after a full work day around 5pm and I had not eaten anything since breakfast?
Anyways, after the small dinner event we went to his ward building to use the organ in the chapel.  I learned a couple things instantly: You have to remove your shoes before playing on the foot pedals, and I can't play legato (smoothly) under unnecessary stress.  If you can imagine those movies where they show a scene of a bunch of orphans in the 19th or early 20th century being instructed by an intimidating, strict, and demanding teacher, well Kyle was the teacher, I felt like the hopeless orphan.   I don't mind criticism, but Kyle took it over the top.  "You have horrible posture", "Why can't you keep your hands in the correct positions I told you", "How many times do I have to tell you? Play legato, you're not in a southern baptist concert."
I was definitely stressing out and done for the day after 20 minutes.  A few minutes later at some point he started to realize he was being kind of harsh.... or that I was stressed out.  He asked me to flip around on the bench, and then he took one of my feet..... and started massaging it.  I told him that wasn't necessary, but he insisted that I need to relax, that "my feet" needed to relax (Ironically in a strict tone). Needless to say, I got really weirded out. I finally "gracefully" yanked my foot away and said it was probably about time for me to go home.
So Kyle took me back to my car, I stopped at a Dairy Queen, stuffed my face with fries because I was starving, and figured I was done with Kyle.
Although I agreed not to continue to go out with Kyle, Kyle didn't necessarily agree.  He called me every Sunday evening to ask me out for the following Friday, and again on Monday for that Saturday.  Fortunately I had legitimate excuses for the first MONTH, but after I had to tell him on a couple different occasions that I was no longer interested.  After a couple more phone calls of persistence, one Monday afternoon call on my way home from school with a friend, my guy friend grabbed the phone and "politely" asked him to stop.  I was relieved.  For the most part, despite a couple of awkward greetings years later (one being a random call for a "dating" survey, and another at the pharmacy desk while picking up personal prescriptions) it was over with.

New ideas

So I need to get back to blogging again.   I forgot how great of a outlet it is.  However I need some subjects to write/blog about.   I was thinking food.... but I don't have the patience to record what I do with my food experiments.... so if you want to see my food I cook you can follow me on instagram @ashfreeze.   Otherwise check out my favorite sister in law's blog (Like mother like daughter) she's got some great delicious looking stuff.  I have another blog for photography stuff that I don't update as much anyway, but one day I will.  So that narrows it down.
One idea I came up with with a friend was date stories.  I will probably definitely do this.   I'm married now, and dating felt like a awhile ago to me, however I technically still date....MY HUSBAND, but I can collect stories from others as well as past ones from myself, change some names, create the narrative, and whala! Instant juicy entertainment.

Second Idea is just sharing stories in general.
Third I might post some craft stuff if I get bored
Fourth- College problems
Fifth- Young married problems
Sixth- I continue to blabbler about random topics, or a combination of above.

For my 5 followers and whoever might see this.  Let me know if you have any ideas.
yours truly